Our family : Sunday morning before church.
Sunday morning we received a call from our friend from Nairobi, No'am Fourie. She informed us that a team from Faith Ventures Academy wants to visit us. We met them later that morning in Nakuru town.
F.l.t.r. : Violet Mohol, Julia Fulcher, No'am Fourie and
Enock Mohol, the coordinator of ACE in East Africa.
We thank God for so many people who have committed themselves passionately to help establish Christian Education in Kenya. We have been working with Enock and his team for more than three years now and they are doing a tremendous work.
lovely picture you you guys, i am thinking of you all especially at the moment as i am in south africa visiting some relatives in johanesburg. i am imagining where you may have lived and interested to see the big heaps from the disused mines and wondering where wilco ma have worked. it is like you said, a differnet world completely here to kenya, at least our kenya, it may be different in some parts of nairobi but i dont think that anywhere is really like this! i think of it as 'little britain' here a piece of the uk dropped off in africa. my email is not working at the moment btw but if there is anything that you guys want me to bring back from here - fave jam or whateva then give me a shout - know it seems so unimportant/irrelevant given the recent events but the offers there anyway and im not trying to move focus from the fact that there are obv more important things in life. like life itself!
love to all of you and i hope to come visit for the weekend in a convenient time.
Hi Lydiah. I thank God for the way He is seeing you through in the ministry. I have been reading and following all the blogs that you have been posting and I am amazed by the way God is giving you strength. To God be the glory. Say hi to all. Shalom!
Priscilla Mwangi
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